Meeting Scripts


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Cherry Grove Off Island Group of AA

General Script for Meetings

Updated March 23, 2023


Hello everyone and Welcome to the Cherry Grove Off-Island Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is an Open Meeting of AA, which means that all are welcome.

We meet every day at 6 PM Eastern. We celebrate Anniversaries of One year or more and of 90 days the last Sunday of each month and our business meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month following our regular meeting.

Please visit our website at for more information and links to AA readings.

We ask that from this point forward, you continue to keep your volume muted until it is your time to share.

We would like to suggest that if you’re eating smoking, vaping or engaged in any activity that might be a distraction to others, please turn your camera off for those moments.


My name is _______________ and I am and alcoholic. We open each meeting with the A.A. Preamble:

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership, we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy, neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Tonight, is a ____________________ meeting.

If a speaker: “Tonight, to share their experience, strength, and hope with us is ________________, a member of the _______________group [if the speaker has a group they wish to mention].”

If not speaker: “Tonight, is a ___________________ meeting…


  1. Thank the speaker.
  2. Again, welcome to the Cherry Grove Off Island group of Alcoholics Anonymous. We meet here every day at 6pm. This is an open meeting, and again ALL are welcome. In keeping with the Third Tradition the only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.
  3. Are there any visitors who would like to say “Hello” and where they are from?
  4. Is there anyone in their first 90 days of sobriety who would like to say, “Hello” and share their day count? We ask you this not to embarrass you, but to welcome you and get to know you better.
  5. Is there anyone in their first year who would like to share their day count?
  6. Is there anyone celebrating an anniversary of one year or more in the month of ______________?
  7. Are there any announcements for the good of AA?
  8. Our group encourages everyone to consider having a sponsor. Please speak to anyone in the group for more information. We will be happy to help you.


The 7th Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous states” “Every group ought to be self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” Our group has minimal expenses, operating as we do – 7 days a week online. In light of the 7th Tradition, we ask that you make any contributions on our behalf to AA World Services, NY Intergroup, or Suffolk Intergroup Association. Links to each are provided on our Home Page.




If you would like to be part of our group contact list to stay in touch with other group members in between meetings, please click the link on our website /   You may add your Name / Email address / Telephone # and sobriety date if you like.  Please know that this information will be shared with other groups members on our list.


Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. With that in mind, what you hear here, who you see here, when you leave here, let it remain here.


We continue our meeting and ask that if you wish to share, you raise your virtual hand, or your physical hand and our leader or chairperson will call on you. Please remain muted, until it is your turn to share. And as a reminder, we suggest that if you’re eating smoking or engaged in any activity that might be a distraction to others, please turn your camera off for those moments.

Please try to keep your comments to three minutes or less so that everyone who wishes to share has a chance to do so.


We close our meeting at 7PM with the Serenity Prayer. You are invited to remain after for Fellowship. And now we return to our meeting. Please use the virtual hand or your real hand to be called on.



If you pick a topic, please remember it should be a Beginners Topic – If a speaker, please remind them to share their experience, strength hope.


Sharing for Beginners Meeting

Sharing starts with beginners.  Anyone under 30 then 60 then 90, 6 months, under a year.  After this then open sharing. 

CLOSING – Reminder for Beginners chair we read the promises before the group serenity prayer.